The Middle East Double Standard And the Coming Persecution of Christians

Christians Against Zionism - January 2005


As the world turns a blind eye to the blatant criminal activity in the White House, the Zionist hijacking of congress, and the genocide occurring around the world, mainly in the US/Israeli occupied territory of Palestine, a strange scenario seems to be  breeding. After the events of September 11, the world was told that a bunch of Arabs masterminded the attacks from caves in Afghanistan and just like 1930 Germany, the people bought it hook-line and sinker.


George W. Bush made racism the norm with his propaganda of the American people, telling them to hate the French and to hate Arabs. For what reason? The most disturbing facet of this "justified" racism is that the biggest supporters of Bush racism were those who called themselves Christians and Conservatives. Since when is racism Christian/Conservative? Now the American psyche believes in supporting the "War on Terror" hoping to rid the world of those pesky "Arab terrorists." Can you imagine any other group of people being thrown into the same group as a small minority of militant terrorists? Well actually many Americans thought all Cubans supported Castro's communism and that all gun owners and patriots were like Timothy McVeigh, so perhaps this is nothing new.


How would Americans feel if they knew that not all Arabs are terrorists? Or if they knew a Christian Arab? Would they continue to support the corporate war-whore machine of the US military might? After all isn't it patriotic to support your troops? Perhaps if they were fighting a real enemy. The truth of the matter is, militant Islam is a very small faction of the Muslim religion, and many Muslims are outraged at the suicide bombers. Groups like Hamas were founded by Israel in the first place yet the world sees Hamas as some Muslim Militant group (Israel's Hamas .) By Israel creating Hamas, creating its own enemy, gives Israel the pretext to bring martial law on its own people and the neighbouring Arab communities. It gives Israel the ability and deception to paint all acts of terror on Arab people. The truth of the matter is, the Israeli Mossad with the help of the CIA has provocateured almost every major terrorist act in the 21st century to date. Although the acts of the minority Militant Islamic extremists are evil, it is small in comparison to the major terrorist acts of the Mossad/CIA network (CIA/Mossad Pose as Al Queida .


After September 11, the right questions were not being asked. Who stood to gain by bringing the towers down? When the Reichstag buildings in Germany were burned to the ground, who stood to gain? Some minority terrorist group? Unlikely. Hitler and his Zionist Financial globalist backers has the most to gain and he himself burned the Reichstag and blamed it on some outside terrorist threat, his political enemy. With September 11, Israel had the most to gain, so it is likely that they masterminded the entire thing, with the help of their Zionist infiltrators in the White House and Congress. Many conspiracy theorists like to blame Bush and Cheney for the whole thing. While those two are definitely involved and are the most treasonous traitorous US heads in the history of the US, they were not bright enough  to mastermind such a Hegelian deception (Hegelian Dialectic .) All it takes is one Judas. One person on the inside. Israel has more than one Judas in the US government power structure. "Al Qaeda" had what to gain by bringing the buildings down? Perhaps they wanted to bring the wrath of the US military might on themselves and their own people. Perhaps they wanted to be exterminated off the face of the planet. This is obviously unlikely.


The traitors in the US government had many motives of which I will not get into because I feel it has been covered enough even in the mainstream media, what with Cheney's Halliburton, and the inception of Martial law in America, via Patriot Act 1 and 2, and Homeland Security. Israel had more to gain. There long sworn enemy, the Arabic people, whom they hate with a passion, are one reason for carrying  the September 11th atrocities. In the process, Israel through the US military might, can exterminate any other group of people after the Arabs are all dead (Did Israel execute Sept 11 .) Anyone who knows the bible or the religion of Judaism, knows that Judaism at its core, is diametrically opposed to Jesus and His followers. Long before the New Reichstag fire of 2001. Israel had already implemented the Noahide Laws into US Congress (HJR 104-102-14 and full explanation of the Noahide Laws .) Passed in 1991 by George Bush Sr. and pushed into congress by the highly anti-Arab/anti Christian, Jewish sect called Chabad Lubavitch and it's leader, Rabbi Mendel Schneerson. The Noahide laws are 7 laws from the highly racist and highly barbaric Jewish Babylonian Talmud, which is a series of Pharisaic/Rabbinical commentaries. The Evangelical communities in America have been sold that these 7 laws are from the bible and on the outside they might appear so. The first 6 seem to be talking about moral laws, but the 7th law is the biggie. Establishing courts of justice to carry out enforcement of the first 6 Noahide laws. What many American Christians don't know is that the Talmud interprets the 7th Noahide law in a way that anyone who breaks the first 6 laws is to be put to death.


"One additional element of greater severity is that violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noahide to capital punishment by decapitation. (Sanhedrin 57A)"


Of course, the god of these Noahide Laws is not the Christian God, Jesus Christ, but is g-d with a dashed out O, and a God who has not sent His only Son to die to redeem mankind. Christians don't worship this God, and most Arabs would tell you that they don't worship it either. They even have "Talmud jails in the Mid East right now ( Now Israel can exterminate their other hated group of people, Jesus worshipping Christians.


Of course establishing courts of justice would mean that Israel would have to reinstate their Sanhedrin, which carries out Talmudic law, and/or they would have to use existing law and modify it. Both have occurred in Israel and in the US. (After over 1500 year absence, Jewish Sanhedrin reinstated on the West side of the Sea of Galilee in the city of Tiberius on October 13, 2004, Jewish Law takes precedence over Israeli law,  Israeli infiltration of US laws, Talmud Institute for US Lawyers, Applauded by US Justices, Jewish Law Institute launched in DC, Baptists To Promote Noahide Laws of the Revived Sanhedrin )


Of course anyone in Congress or any reporter who blows the whistle on Israeli religious policies being reshaped into American law, are instantly labeled anti-Semitic. Anyone who criticizes Muslim law is honoured as being patriotic. This is a huge double standard. This double standard lays out a clear cut road to World Government, with Jewish Law, maintained by a World Court (The New Sanhedrin), and a One World Religion (Noahidism of the Noahide Laws of the Jewish Talmud) instituted not only on Christians and Muslims, but on all the world. The following Rabbinical commentaries in the Jewish Religion speaks of abolition of all nations sovereignties and religions and a Fascist enforced Jewish religion on the worlds peoples;


 The main avodah of this generation is to go out to the final war of the golus, to conquer and to purify all the gentile countries (such that "and kingship will be Hashem's," Ovadiah 1:21).

--Shabbos Parshas VaYelech, 5746.

The unique innovation in the Previous Rebbe's service is the dissemination of Torah and Judaism and the wellsprings of Chasidus outward to the entire world, including the effect on the non-Jews.

--Hisvaduyos 5750 4:418, cites in "The Deed is the Main Thing," Kol Boi Ha'olam, p. 370.


There is no way to expose this in the mainstream media without being labeled anti-Semitic. Of course opposing a religion does not make one complicit in opposing a "race" of people' After all, the "Jewish Conspiracy Theory" is not based on the idea that Jews as a race are conspiring against the world, but that Judaism and its adherents, mainly the high ranking Pharisees, and the Financial elite, are conspiring against the world. Their control filters down through all facets of power and authority right down to the media, military, education, economic trade and finance, and most of all religion. Opposing a race of "Jews" is racist and evil, but opposing the religion of Judaism which is imposing itself on the world is not racist or evil.


Can you even begin to comprehend this totally anti-Christian mentality? These self proclaimed Christian Zionists, would blast you as being an anti-Semite if you opposed the "Anti-Christ" who comes out of Israel and the Jewish religion (Christian Zionists roots .) For so many years Christians have been told to resist world government, resist the Mark of Beast, and resist the anti-Christ and his rule. All of a sudden this warning changes when Israel is involved in implementing them. Another double standard. The Christian Zionists are saying we can only be Christians if we support Judaism and it's Talmud. It is not politically correct to be a Christian and only support the Bible.


Jewish sources are saying the Moshiach (Jewish "Messiah") is about to appear in Israel. Christians in America don't seem to be putting the pieces together. The Messiah has already come. Another Messiah who comes that is not Jesus can only be the anti-Christ (Jewish Leaders call for the emergence of Moshiach, Sanhedrin rabbis talk about appearance of the Jewish moshiach


Not only are American Evangelicals acting hypocritical by supporting World Government via a One World Talmudic religion, now they are saying that taking a microchip will prevent terrorism by stopping Arab terrorists from coming across the borders and getting jobs. We are already being conditioned to accept a microchip with the Social Security Number being the precursor and the the state drivers licence/National ID card being the final step. No chip? No Job!. No chip? No food! No chip? NO NOTHING! Of course this is advancing in the Mid-East first, coming to America soon (Fallujah Residents Face Choice: Retina Scan and Take ID Card....Or Die .) The maker of the worlds first and only patented implantable microchip, Applied Digital Solutions, just happens to have a Jewish Chairman/CEO Richard J. Sullivan. Before the threat of terrorism, I believe these apostate Christians would have strongly opposed such a Fascist identification system, but of course, under the the fog of fear of some outside threat, they will do anything. This same naive and gullible mentality lead to the enslavement of the German people under Nazi Germany and it's fascist dictator Adolf Hitler.(FDA gives RF Implant Verichip the go ahead Oct 13, 2004 )


Celluar phone towers are being placed everywhere. In major towns and cities there is usually a cell tower every few blocks Canada Cell Tower Watch, Dangerous radiation from cell towers ) These towers emit radiation and low level EMF and have the ability to control wireless devices like phones, routers (LAN), and yes, even your mind. Is it any wonder why the towers are popping up more and more? The towers can also monitor these same wireless devices, which provides big brother with more data keeping on it's cattle. The towers are being strategically set up all over the world. There will be no escaping their range of EMFs.(Cell towers and microchips


We now see the complete control of the planet with Military control of the weather. Is the UN, a proxy for Israel, using weather disturbances to depopulate the earth, cause panic, and cause disorder? They certainly have the motive, and the scientific evidence is there that they have the technology to control weather, through programs like HAARP and EMP technology. I am sure that they have far more advanced technology but this is what we know for sure  First Tsunami-Making Bomb Developed In WWII, Project Woodpecker,  Weather/Environmental Tampering with emphasis on EMP Technology


The stage is set. All that the Talmudic globalists need is the right crisis to fully implement their World Government and World Religion. Will it be a major financial collapse, a series of nuclear terrorists attacks in America, or some other unforeseen event that will accomplish their Coup d' etat?

