One In 20 People 'May Have a Mobile Phone Illness'

Christians Against Zionism - February 2005

The Sunday Times - Ireland 
January 30, 2005 

Richard Oakley


UP TO 5% of the population may be suffering ill health as a result of 
radiation from mobile phones and masts, according to a group of Irish doctors 
fighting for official acceptance of the problem. 

The Irish Doctors' Environmental Association (IDEA) is urging the government 
to adopt a cautious approach to the technology, and to ensure that people who 
claim to have related illnesses are monitored. In a study to be released this 
week, the doctors will say they have identified 16 people whom they believe 
have been adversely affected by radiation. The medical report concludes that 
"seemingly sensitive individuals" suffer "devastating effects" from exposure to
electromagnetic radiation. According to the IDEA's co-founders Philip Michael 
and Elizabeth Cullen, more people are reporting severe health effects linked to

The survey outlines symptoms that include fatigue, confusion, tingling, 
temperature changes, dizziness and difficulty sleeping . It estimates that
1% and 5% of the population could be sensitive to radiation and experience 
illness as a result. The IDEA says further research is necessary. It wants 
special screens for the 16 people in the study, to see if their conditions
when radiation is blocked. 

The association's claims will be strongly refuted by the industry and 
government. The Department of Communications said recently that there was no
scientific research to suggest that the use of mobile phones could be bad for 
children. Their comments followed advice by a leading British expert that their
use by pre-teens should be limited. The government has also said that tests on 
mobile-phone base stations in the country found that none exceeded 
internationally recognised guidelines on radiation levels. Mobile-phone
operators also 
dismiss claims that radiation from masts or phones could be harmful. 

Vodafone said: "There is no evidence of any impact on human health when 
exposure levels are below internationally recognised guidelines". 

Despite these reassurances there are growing numbers of people reporting 
symptoms, like Dubliners Helen McCrory of Clontarf and Enda Dalton of Raheny. 
McCrory blames nearby mobile phone masts for her illness and said she can't
her house because "masts are everywhere now". "I can't sleep, my head pounds, 
my skin burns and I get a painful pumping sensation from head to toe. It has 
got so bad that I feel suicidal," she said. 

Dalton claims he has suffered from radiation since 1985 and has installed a 
screened room in his house to get relief. "There are loads of people like me 
who are sensitive to radiation and our symptoms are real. We need the entire 
system shut down until a thorough investigation is carried out. We know the 
radiation is below recommended guidelines, but these guidelines are not correct
because we still suffer," he said. 

John Ryan, a farmer in Tipperary, claims he has suffered illness since 
allowing a Vodafone mast to be installed on his land. He has offered to return
money he received to have the mast taken down but Vodafone wants him to pay 
extra. The mast has been shown to adhere to safe radiation levels but Ryan is 
adamant that it gives him headaches and dizzy spells. Vodafone does not accept 
that the mast is responsible for Ryan's symptoms. Irish Doctors Environmental Association [IDEA]